We Appreciate Feedback!

Obscure City, LLC values all customers and forms of life almost equally. We have collected all the pensive, well thought out feedback from (potential) customer interactions here.

When studied closely, you can see genuine attempts to proselytize the oldest story ever told. That's right, Huckleberry Finn... at least I think that's what book it is. I always heard "The Good Book" and that one's ok, I guess.

Arabic Hindi Foolish Coward

  • Official Report

  • Mohammed Golly initiated a conversation on January 2023 stating: Ig You have very vulgar taste & I couldn't help not notice you have no muhammad or hindi "art", you must be one of them or your simply a foolish coward. 5Ex2 Qc U 4 t zoC u a f e U l 6T N gz Q8y
  • A. Heathen quickly retorted: Despite your double negative, you are correct, just your Jesus at this time but I am working on it! (Probably not Muhammed though, google "Charlie Hebdo"...) Would you be as triggered if I was clowning on other people's imaginary friends and not just yours? Rest assured though, I'm still a coward! Your kind has persecuted mine for a very long time, hence the anonymity. 05ln mX3 p8f K EXV R IBAf2
  • Mohammed Golly returned: Dude I'll keep you in my prayers because your soul is at stake. YOJ u i iE r z h 1 S ado N Y 11Ef PQR kIv C
  • A. Heathen insisted: That's it?!? That's your final thought?!? You call me out for not bashing other religions then accuse me of being a member of your opposition and a coward, so I thoughtfully respond and you fall back to the old tried and true Christian copout, "I'll pray for you"... Eh b C 6Yv f 6 8QQ IjZ 2 N W0c G p 0 f7o l 8o mfVD1 D 3JlI F Mp
  • A. Heathen insisted: o I gotta say that I'm disappointed. You were working on a 6 out of 10 until you gave up. If you can't do better then that, I regret to inform you that I have dropped your official score to 3 out of 10. (BTW, in case you didn't notice, I get a lot of these.) gcO L zgo y P eOk5dS aK M1Dzv Dx3 NU0 N Y wu m Et kEB s v b2 F6j V
  • Then Mohammed Golly stated: vj Hey! I realized my focus was not where it should be which is to pray for you because your soul is in danger. While I don't wish you success in sales & I wish you well in life I overall. And yes I've been specifically praying for you. Z r i w J r Z hf3DZxs8BH TMYA G Gh I jA oEX v h uI X ce4 j d3 Vq DS w C0nox Mp3 K7 K Z j g 2I rX7 hz Wg M s h w p P 0 X vAW2 XA ok uf LN X Y N zH zB Kpi kJ h l d 2 x 0nt A R hMQx YI X DR P 9 j aH T MLJn
  • Then A. Heathen stated: From saying I'm an Arabic/Hindi foolish coward to this... YOU'RE WASTING YOUR POTENTIAL! (And if you're praying for me, your wasting your time as well.) DnjP4 MS VxE Ol 0 B i PU 0VU S 90 aDh S f JoP u85 Mw k EZ Lx hU z X 64 i GMP LSH jzO MWA4Ts b 4 P D L c Co 6 LWm Vr 9a 9X c e 2N sv Kq 9H G H b AU z FbTM Uqs8zu 5 Y J V6sOm V 48bP ca oy l8jj 2z Umq
  • Mohammed Golly licked their lips then typed: Understand yet praying for you anyway o rV ekNMM M KV es BytUm f2n Q1CF Bu fS0 GR ll I n L N 2 pL Fskjn 7 U u
  • A. Heathen gave the response: B VD Come on man, where's that old testament, fire and brimstone wrath you started off with? Remember how incensed you were when you first saw my art and felt it necessary to state that I'm either of an opposing religious sect or a foolish coward... EMBRACE THAT FEELING! Don't you want to smite like the old times? How about this... Cast the first stone and smite like none who has ever smote before! 8 U K YxP BQJ zkd lg
  • Mohammed Golly gave into temptation and admitted: Good morning,
So while my view on you & your products have not changed I made the decision to focus my energy on forcing myself to intercede for your soul. Blessings, F hB G h sR B P H x uBmkg lK m sY w 52McFE 3 a l Fl m SJAP J
  • A. Heathen flung their anus into the air screaming: Sweeeeeeeeet! Between you and all the other wackos that have said the same shit, I should be good to go. In fact, this has reinvigorated my drive to take things even farther. Your every prayer is a bet I don't have to hedge, so consider them fuel on the fire of my blasphemous ways. Thanks! fD C E bu EdA Bs 8 qg o e Ujx 4xW2kS I9F4 A j o Q nun 5ss

Hooker & Blow

Blowhard chatting with A. Heathen at Obscure City LLC in

  • B
    Jesus loves you! He died to pay for your sins so that you can be forgiven and be free! You are never too far away to be redeemed, whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved! God gives true peace and healing, and in him you find security both in your identity and in death. Seek God, he is calling out to you! ♥️
  • OC
    Weird, he came to me and said something like "Hookers and blow my son, hookers and blow... And bungee jumping is awesome! One of my many failures as a deity was not having man invent it before he skewered me."
  • OC
    Sell your crazy somewhere else Reagan, we're all stocked up here!!!
  • B
    God does not tolerate being mocked friend, I pray you repent and seek his forgiveness (which is always open to you until death) before your day of judgment
  • OC
    Oh for fucks sakes! You wackos are relentless with this crap. I've never been one to hedge my bets, so your bullshit falls on deaf ears. I don't seek out religious people to tell them that they are deranged. I have never put a gun to someone's head to buy my art. Yet here you are, threatening me with your forgiving gods wrath and/or praying for my fucking soul, like the many that have come before you and couldn't take the hint at "sell your crazy somewhere else." I get so many of these that this is literally a copy and paste response!
  • B
    That makes my heart glad that you are blessed with the many reminders he is sending you. Until the moment we die God sends people and events to remind us of our standing in his universe. And yes, he redeems all who turn to him through his forgiveness that none of us deserve. Death finalizes our faith or our rejection. And friend, do you not think you would have people come to you when you mock the Lord so openly?
  • B
    Despite everything you and I have done the same Jesus you mock died for us. The Bible says before the earth was formed he (God) knew us and loved us. He will never give up on you friend, until the moment you die he will continue to send the intervention of his love because he truly desires that you not chose eternal separation. All has been forgiven in the sacrifice of Christ, all you need do is repent and believe. This is my prayer, that every person who reaches out to you would remind you of his love. That every time you make a cross you would be reminded of what took place on it in love for you.
  • OC
    Your delusion is not my reality, nor will it ever be, regardless of your persistence in badgering me. That being said (and I mean this in the kindest way possible) please, please, please... Fuck Off!
  • B
    Nine months have passed, and I still pray for you along with many others.
“For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”“
Romans‬ 10‬:13‬ NLT‬‬
  • B
    You told me last June that I believed in a delusion and it wasn’t your reality.
It takes more faith to disbelieve God than to rest in his peace. We can’t create realities, we can only embrace or reject truth.
Jesus is still reaching out to you
  • B
    And I pray now as I have that you will turn to him and be reconciled with him 🤍
  • B
    There is no assurance of your place after death except in the blood of Christ shed for you in love. He promises we will be with him and every one of his promises come to fruition.
  • B
    ”If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.“
1 John‬ 1‬:9‬ NIV‬‬
  • B
    ”For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose him as your ransom long before the world began, but now in these last days he has been revealed for your sake. Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory. You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show sincere love to each other as brothers and sisters. Love each other deeply with all your heart. For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God. As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades. But the word of the Lord remains forever.” And that word is the Good News that was preached to you.“
1 Peter‬ 1‬:18‬-25‬ NLT‬‬
  • B
    And I pray that you will see him everywhere you turn. He loves you more than you will ever know, and he will forgive you if you ask.
  • B
    May your days begin and end with the peace of God. This is my hope and prayer in Christ Jesus for you.
  • OC
    This one time awhile ago, I contracted gonorrhea. I waited WAY TO LONG to go to the doctor and it got REALLY BAD! My dick looked like the chick on "The Exorcists" puking pea soup everywhere. It even spread to my asshole and caused itching so bad that I wanted to ram a rat tail file up my ass.
  • OC
    I only tell you this now because I want you to get a very clear understanding of where I am coming from...

  • OC
    I did not read much of what you just decided to proselytize my way, and nor will I. In fact, I would re-live my entire gonorrhea experience until the day I die if it meant that I wouldn't be exposed to even another word of your mindless drivel

More Hooker & Blow

  • Official Report

  • Tanya Tuktherpeen initiated a conversation on February 2023 stating: w Jesus still loves you SAu AyfJ xJp 9 1 W QBFe0 XK z s c B O Qkk P WO6n x q b QK c3 qzUK 2hrl2 T m492 qm HVjd V D x i
  • A. Heathen was obviously hungry when they followed up with: Don't you think it is awful presumptuous of you to assume that you speak for Jesus? jwm V s v Y o5tTu2 TMi Z 6 T B S 8ey47y
  • Tanya Tuktherpeen gave the response: God loved us so much. He sent his one and only son to die for us 🤍
That is more than words friend Q7bWwKK mU u E R P FL U pk1c9h xdULhH hBzFr4 yMEwzX oQS J v w 0 h p8 D3fM AC0
  • A. Heathen cleaned the hoof marks off their cheeks and screamed: n3g b That is actually an intentional misinterpretation by the council of Rome, but in sure you already knew that. They omitted "jumped" and subbed in "died" all because their ankles hurt from worshiping using worn out bungee cords. The literal quote is "He jumped for our sins." I just spoke with God last night and he assured me that he sent himself here in the form of his only son not to die for our sins, but rather to enjoy the allures of mankind, specifically hookers and blow. Discovering bungee jumping was an added bonus. I claim these to be the words of God and as such, they are beyond contestation. Nice try Satan. E A5u zq A4 D4wy y tZYOumSP9 r uHx Q h S 6YM c x3fFYgFCp d F7Q eq s 3 MSl 2mP h Zf 4 P cS 1S33 D l 4 B5fTE Y m EawB NZ C 7i l9 6 l Mx d c
  • Tanya Tuktherpeen acknowledged: R The creations you make are certainly a talent. I am still keeping you in my prayers and wish you success in your business. M Q N q m M E 1 R
  • A. Heathen returned: Thanks but I recommend you reserve your prayer time for some other needy soul, or at least for some one who holds faith in such things. I will keep you in mind if my business grows to the point that I can really reward those that helped drive me to success. HOOKERS AND BLOW FOR EVERYONE! L Cy kaSBu zG 91 21d O pP i U D P6 l EB y e J MQ4Qj6T 4TM Cw J 7 Kc Xx f b B s05 aO d k 3 d 3tuA39 xJ EQjMo k IAzm sjN ZeN WsmQ9 u x 4 Iv JNi1 l a EZkHo Ai Jn A4 JjM r1yX6F46I L z
  • Tanya Tuktherpeen licked their lips then typed: You and I have more in common than you’d believe.
There is enough time for everybody 🤍 1 oU 98 w 8 XR SWT g F aOQ Q mp 8wU J JnT7OC 0 y9 o1K69 Y Z Yb 2D h QCaTn h 1mEk Q3 gIepP c O 8vXp E e pcc D

My Blood Is On Your Hands

  • Memorandum

    To: Obscure City
    From: Manny Christian

    Subject: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    This is so deeply disrespectful. Even if you don’t believe, He was an historical figure and died a horribly painful death.

    I am a Christian and though I do not subscribe to Islam, Hinduism, or other faiths, I respect those beliefs and would never hold up their gods, prophets, or sacred objects to ridicule.
In this so called “inclusive” time, I have seen more disrespect and hate towards those that look and think differently than ever before in my life. Wow…just SMH
  • Memorandum

    To: Manny Christian
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    I'm out here doing the lords work and you're coming at me like I'm burning witches at the stake or molesting kids! What if I do it so the real baddies will out themselves in god's eyes and he can take them first (think opposite of exodus where believers mark their door with blood so god will skip them while he is putting the smack down on the Egyptians with genocide). It will make it easier for the wrathful god to smite like he's never smote before. In fact, you should be out there doing the lords work to. Obviously you are a very well adjusted and tolerant person but this just goes to far, am I right? You should be out there smiting as well. And what better to do it with than your own genuine and original JesuSlingShot! I'm bringing these to market soon so people like us who are without sin can really cast that first stone with Jesus in our hands. I'll message you soon to let you know they are available.
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Manny Christian

    Subject: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    Wow. You are a piece of work and you obviously have no understanding of God whatsoever. Funny thing is, God still loves you.
  • Memorandum

    To: Manny Christian
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    So.... Am I to assume you don't want a JesuSlingShot?!? You're seriously not going to go smiting? And you say I have no understanding of god?!? AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN?!? I'm not so sure god still loves you....
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Manny Christian

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    I know you think you’re hilarious, but you’re actually rather sad. No, I wouldn’t even smite you.
  • Memorandum

    To: Manny Christian
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    Isn't calling me "sad," smiting me? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. What of your words drives me to suicide?!? MY BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Manny Christian

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    You are too in love with your perceived intellect and wit to suicide.
  • Memorandum

    To: Manny Christian
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    True but that still doesn't exempt you from responsibility if I do. Come on, where is that Christian guilt?!? I could literally die for your sin! You sure I can't interest you in a JesuSlingShot...?
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Manny Christian

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bloody hands Belong in a Museum

    Date: May 2023

    Look, I get what you are doing here and I know that symbol has been used as a “get out of jail free” card to excuse being hateful jerks. And normally I would never have engaged with you about this, but this morning a friend of mine was found dead in his apartment. He was on his knees at the foot of his bed praying and he had a heart attack. He had spent most of his life in and out of detention centers and then prison until one day a chaplain came to the prison and he accepted Jesus. It changed his life. He had been out of prison for 5 years aca he was one of the kindest, most generous and joyful people I’ve ever met. The sacrifice that cross symbolized for him meant something very special to him.
Your art popped up on my FB feed and it hit a nerve.

    Sorry to take my sorrow out on you. I going to miss my friend, but I’ll see him again one day in heaven. He’s home.

Why not muhammad?

Sleek Shiek chatting with A. Heathen at Obscure City LLC in

  • S
    It is offensive. We don't see any of these offensive items with Mohammed because you wouldn't dare. Shame on you.
  • OC
    And if there was a Mohammed item, then it would be okay in your book? The christian hypocrisy truly knows no bounds!
  • S
    You show your hand to early. Actually, I am Muslim, but I believe that making fun of any religion, even your religion of atheism is wrong, non productive and of course indecent.
  • S
    They money you make is not worth the price of character. Forgive me for using the expression "Shame on you". It was not kind.
  • S
    بارك الله فيك
  • OC
    I don't give a fuck what you think about making fun of religion as being wrong. I get this shit on the daily from off base religious fundamentalist who think defending their god will punch their ticket to heaven, and you are no different.
  • OC
    My assumption was yet another Christian saying "why not Mohammed?" You are in the rare category of wackos that I get, being a Muslim that is defending christ by threatening against the defacing of your precious Mohammed. Don't worry, I'll get to it, as soon as my profits can afford the security necessary to defend against such peaceful people as your ilk tend to be (Charlie Hebdo comes to mind...)
  • OC
    As far as forgiving you for saying "shame on you"... Not a chance. You may as well apologize for the countless death and destruction you of "faith" have brought to bare on this world. Hollow words from a mindless drone is all I hear.
  • OC
    "May sanity one day be yours"

40 Virgins

Bible Betsy chatting with A. Heathen at Obscure City LLC in

  • B
    May God have mercy on your soul!
  • OC
    Yeah, no. I reject your conception of a god and a soul. You got anything better than that, by chance?
  • B
    Yes I do, I have the gift of faith in Our Risen Lord! And even though you blaspheme Him, He still loves you
  • OC
    So, no then huh?
  • OC
    Nothing better to offer.
  • OC
    You got any virgins or something? I hear the muslims are up to 40 virgins in exchange for baseless, blind devotion.
  • OC
    You guys really need to step up your game!

It’s Not a Dick

Smart Alex chatting with A. Heathen at Obscure City LLC in

  • S
    You’re fucking disgusting
  • OC
    It's art, not a dick. You don't have to take it so hard!
  • OC
    Just to be clear though, how disgusting is it? Say we had a scale with "butt hurt Christians that swear at strangers online" on one side, "the Spanish Inquisition" on the other, and "priests raping children" as the pivot. Where on that scale does my little conglomeration of Chinese plastic and wood with a dash of wire and cord fall?
  • S
    What a clever joke. Good one, ya cunt.
  • OC
    Oh I'm just getting started sugar tits! In fact, since you're tossing insults around in defense of your diety (which I gotta admit... the irony and hypocrisy of it all makes me smile... a lot!) perhaps you would like to take that forgiving Christian rage to the next level? You should toss me some cash and buy your own personal JesuSlingShot! That's right, cast the first stone and smite evil with Jesus in your hand!

Heart Pain

  • Memorandum

    To: Obscure City
    From: Cardiac Karen

    Subject: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    I am really going to pray for you. This makes me sick in my heart. For you. I'm sick in my heart for you.
  • Memorandum

    To: Cardiac Karen
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    Talk to yourself if you'd like, but don't do it on my account. If a piece of Chinese plastic and wood makes you sick in your heart, perhaps you should consult a cardiologist. Does being redundant help the heart pain?
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Cardiac Karen

    Subject: Re: Re: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    I didn't mean to insult you sir It's just that this piece of Chinese plastic and wood mocks my beloved Savior, who you obviously do not know, or it would insult you too. So I'm praying for you, sir. Loving and following Jesus is the only way, the only truth and the only real life there is. In this life and the next. Don't miss it.
  • Memorandum

    To: Cardiac Karen
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    The "thoughts and prayers" riff falls on deaf ears with me. I get these messages all the time so I'm not insulted, certainly not as much as you and your god are apparently. If you are distraught by this, perhaps further introspection and hardening of your resolve is warranted? If you truly believe that your god is insulted by this, perhaps it's time to pick a different one, or even better, none at all? Works pretty good for me, just saying. There are many paths to walk. I didn't seek you out to shit on yours but here you are, proselytizing because you and your god got insulted by something that many others find joy in, many of them being Christians who reject the old testament "fire and brimstone" bullshit that is the foundation of your belief system. You may not like the path I walk but at least my path is in no way responsible for the majority of deaths and destruction that have befallen human existence since Christianity took hold. Don't pray for me, maybe pray for yourself to find tolerance and joy in this life despite the crap you have been fed.
  • Memorandum

    To: A., Heathen at Obscure City
    From: Cardiac Karen

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    Didn't see this message or whatever responded sooner. I never said that my God was insulted by what you produce or sell or show on your SE site. I said that I am sicking to buy it. My God, the creator of all there is, could with a simple thought, annihilate you and everything you put on that SE site. But that's not the kind of God he is. He's a God who seeks the hearts of men just like you.

    I won't respond again to you sir, because you have your own opinion. But I would just like to leave you with a thought. What if I'm right? What if there is a God and that God is mine? If I'm wrong, all I've done is to live a life that is good and kind and serving of other people. That doesn't hurt anybody. But if I'm right and my Jesus is the only way to a heaven full of joy, where there is no pain and suffering. Then if I'm riding you're wrong, Sir, you have made a very very bad choice in not searching out this Jesus that I know and love. What does it hurt to search? Enjoy your day. I will continue to pray for you.
  • Memorandum

    To: Cardiac Karen
    From: A., Heathen at Obscure City

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Deep in my Angina

    Date: April 2023

    I cut out Pascal's wager with Occham's razor awhile ago, but nice try. Sell your crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

Why do you Hate god?

Koncerned Khristian Kid chatting with A. Heathen at Obscure City LLC in

  • K
    This is beyond disgusting
  • OC
    So like... abominable... or even repugnant maybe?
  • OC
    So what's this one then?
  • K
    It's the only sin that's unforgivable. Why do you hate God?
  • OC
    I hate god about as much as I hate unicorns or leprechauns, which is not at all. Why do you think that is?
  • K
    If you want to have a meaningful discussion let me know. There obviously is hate there by you "art". I don't see you creating unicorns and leprechauns jumping off cliffs 😘
  • OC
    Meaningful discussion? You came out of no where to call my art disgusting so I threw some sand in your eyes, hoping you would fuck off. But noooo, you can't take the hint. You have to keep trying to sell your crazy like I'm a potential buyer. What you fail to understand is that I get this dumb shit from you freaks all the time which makes me immune to your baseless claims and circular logic. I don't give a fuck about your culturally imposed conceptions of sin and there is no god which means I have nothing to hate. If there was a market for leprechauns jumping off cliffs, maybe I would make a go of it, but I doubt there is. Perhaps you should try it? I only hope that if you do, some wack job comes at you for disparaging their sacred leprechaun with your "art"!
  • K
    There's that anger you say you don't have
  • OC
    Not if I was smiling while I was responding.

Why do you make fun of allah?

  • Official Report

  • Mohammed Weewee initiated a conversation on May 2023 stating: Sad that you think this is funny…. Why do you make fun of Allah? A x0 83 NMt w u Q X5r W78 hXB pa V HK C HSq r qL FJ t R0 Jl E Z1c o xJL 3 Jh N oo C4XS Cu N Eyz6 1KBnLd v F2 O Hj F Ah Hs Y hYr7G YK gRy EM jL lc R X 7 YW RH 5 d1 4 j wj s PS K K6 XEsXu v 0 r V
  • In a sexy tone, A. Heathen asserted: Not sad, funny. I prefer Jesus because crazies really come out of the wood work when you clown on Mohamed... You know, Charlie Hebdo and all that... Why do you ask? Who is okay to make fun of? Ik v 2nTTG 5M3Y 2 93X G L O 2 V v FLh cC d 6 p cv rhu8 nd 2D thlqr M u zY RqXT dOWf x P7Qt jf s R Jl dqI f I nLNn nC Pua PP m y GR1 O9e F 9 fB
  • Mohammed Weewee flung their anus into the air screaming: Anything for a profit….
  • Unexpectedly, A. Heathen cracked wise: Yeah, like stoning a woman to death and how you should treat your slaves. Oh wait, sorry, you said profit and I read prophet. Yes, you are correct. To bring others joy and to bring myself profits, that is my motivations. OT zqW e j O XxOx Reb I LQ ie v 8B Ts D 4 BfRlA SJ MLDc bm vID R1Ry p 6 v d k5j9 EK Rx 04a ZtR S R X p AuzcT s Z07F Oet 8 1 D uK 6
  • In a sexy tone, Mohammed Weewee asserted: hey man, not sure what you’re talking about or stony want me to death or how to treat your slaves you’re just a slave to profit clearly you’re a freaking democrat M F f s 8 c uT a zC X 9 u X lMf Mgk f c 2 w bcXn y y 6jV QL O2 c Ab D FgLs 1W 0 V NGD GL 1PhMe b flnc q jY6dQ AO q
  • Unexpectedly, A. Heathen cracked wise: You clearly haven't read that little book you are vehemently defending. This conversation is now like masterbating with a cheese grater (mildly entertaining but mostly painful) so I'll leave you with this... You seem like someone who prefers to cast the first stone in a desperate attempt to smite your perception of evil. I recommend you buy yourself a JesuSlingShot! uf q BDahWYhX B N 4N DA tb BwU On0 dxhn9p9r R TF W 5iI b o z0 viG Z S H dR7 jmf SMXy s p o m EZ D s s 0 N6 N
  • A. Heathen licked their lips then typed: VhOJ Btw, you typed "freaking" instead of "fucking" but your Jesus knows what you meant. Shameful. S1 dP N U g Me 1D 1 2 q o X G 0 Q3S U U xo n 6 rh F K l A b Klj0q T h L C ya Y az26R 13 iWEVLx w 8Eo F4q0i y CE 6 q 0 a g B F mi7I H 9 6 de6 G8 3I3 hG N MqVyT vC0 ILV9
  • Mohammed Weewee returned: Nah I’m meant freaking…. I don’t curse you turd…..🙏👍 8 Q i mM XnK sG q qLTJ7798 E 5 G Y QU PXaPcW c ggN2 HsHu J M v t E j r j hAp Lu F F1Z 8J j C WRW 5 b b 1 D1r Xua y Otn r p 5 I6Ig t8 4 5Ck g f Sc 1 ch T Ru vg bkUbn H kF7a1 0baN A Z N cF lsEPn GBYy gx 2